Broadway Kids Auditions

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How to Choose an Acting Coach For Your Child: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Young Actor


As a parent of a young actor or aspiring artist, you want to do everything in your power to help them achieve their dreams. One of the best things you can do for them is to find a professional acting coach who can help bring out their best. But with so many coaches out there, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

BROADWAY KIDS AUDITIONS has been a leader in coaching kids of all ages and levels in pursuit of their dreams. This is our advice based on over 10 years of coaching experience. That’s why we’ve compiled some tips and advice to help you choose the perfect acting coach for your child actor.

What Should I Look for in an Acting Coach?

When seeking an acting coach for a young actor, it's crucial to consider several key factors…

Firstly, the coach's experience both as an actor and a coach is vital. Look into their background: have they worked in the industry, and do they understand how to work with young actors? Also, make sure the coach has education as an actor and performer.

Secondly, consider the coach's teaching style. Is it tailored to your child’s unique needs and learning pace? It's essential that your child feels comfortable and encouraged by their coach.

While giving young students honest and constructive feedback, a good teacher will also be supportive and encouraging. After all, this is about working towards your child's dream! The teacher needs to build healthy relationships with the children, based on genuine care for each student. Students should never be torn down or abused as part of their learning. BKA has a no tolerance policy for any abusive language and make sure any coach you’re considering has the same policies.

Additionally, the coach should focus not just on acting techniques but also on helping your child understand the business side of acting.

Lastly, it's worth considering recommendations and reviews from other parents or industry professionals. A reputable coach should have a history of positive feedback and a proven track record of success.

What is the Best Age for a Child Actor?

There isn't a definitive "best" age for a child to start acting. Children can begin to explore acting at any age, but the most common age range is between 7 and 14 years old. Since acting requires reading scripts, make sure the child is capable of reading and articulating speech for theatrical work. We have found that actors who are younger may be given dialogue in various ways or participate in a series of improv exercises to determine if they are right for a role.

It's important to remember that acting should be a fun and enriching experience for your child that enhances their creativity and self-confidence.

The ideal age to start seriously considering acting lessons or a coach would be when your child expresses a clear interest and commitment to the craft. It's essential to ensure that the decision to pursue acting doesn't solely come from the parents' ambitions, but also aligns with the child's interests and passion.

First Step: Know What You’re Looking For:

Before you embark on your search for an acting coach, make sure that you have a clear idea of the characteristics and skills that the coach should possess.

What are your child’s:

  • Goals: what do you and your child aspire to achieve in one month, one year and in five years. It’s important to take into account all short term and long term goals the young artist may need.

  • Strengths: emphasize where the child thrives and how to highlight these strengths in their materials and performances.

  • Weaknesses as an actor: what areas does the child have less experience and skill? The goal should be how to address these in a constructive and fun way.

  • Learning process: be clear about any specific styles and needs the child has with their learning process. There are a lot of ways to approach coaching and it’s important that the coach is open and flexible in addressing your child’s process.

  • Acting style: every artist has a very specific aesthetic and a good coach will embrace this and also provide materials and instruction that challenges the child to expand their style.

  • Skills: are they looking to improve their skills in a particular area, such as improv, character development, or musical theater? Make sure your coach helps you to see the skills they have and how these translate into marketability in the industry.

These are just a few criteria to consider when selecting an acting coach. Once you've established what you're looking for, it's time to start researching potential coaches and their backgrounds.

Next, compile a list of essential qualities for coaches, such as:

  • Experience in the industry: has the coach worked in the industry and do they have practical experience in approaching performing and auditioning?

  • Education: there are a lot of various ways to train as actors and educators. However, make sure the coach has technical training. A good coach should have various degrees and / or certifications of some kind in their specialized field.

  • A strong knowledge of repertoire (songs, monologues and scenes) for young artists: BKA has a strong and ever growing database of songs, monologues and scenes to offer to students. Coaching is one aspect of the process but having a coach that has a strong repertoire database will streamline the process and provide students with an opportunity to explore materials that they wouldn’t know if they had to find them on their own.

  • Teaching style: keep in mind that every coach has various teaching styles, so make sure your young artist understands the instructions given and that you see changes in their performances after the coaching.

  • Availability: many coaches are also performers, educators, directors, choreographers and musical directors. While it’s important that the coach is working in the industry, making sure they are available on a regular basis is key to having consistency of training for your child.

  • Standing in the entertainment industry: is the coach up with current trends in the ever changing industry.

  • Connections to casting directors, agents, managers and industry professionals: having a coach that has connections to casting directors, agents and managers will ensure the coach is up to date on current events and may be able to connect you to projects that are currently casting.

These criteria will help you narrow down your list of potential coaches and ensure that you make the right decision for your child.

Finding the right acting coach for your young performer is a process of trial and error. But with a little bit of research and dedication, you can find the perfect fit for your child's individual needs and help them take their craft to the next level.

With the right coach, your child will be on their way to becoming a successful young actor!

Research Coaches & Other Resources:

Once you have an idea of what you’re looking for in an acting coach, it's important to do your research and explore all the available options. There are countless resources available online that can help you find qualified acting coaches in your area. BKA offers a wide variety of coaches on our roster that can work in-person in New York City and virtually, which is helpful for students around the world.

You should look into reviews from other parents or industry professionals and recommendations from theatre companies or teachers

It also helps to attend classes. If a coach has an open class for auditions, observe it and see how students interact with the teacher. This will give you a good sense of the teaching style and whether it's the right fit for your child.

Be sure to ask questions if needed. You can look at their credentials, what type of classes they teach, and their approach toward child actors. Quality teachers are encouraging and use constructive criticism and respect.

Check out different coaches’ websites and social media pages to get a sense of their teaching styles, qualifications, and experience.

You can also ask for recommendations from other parents of young actors or from your child’s current drama teacher.

These resources can provide valuable insight into which coaches may be right for your child.

It’s also important to meet with the coach in person before making a decision. An initial meeting can help both parties determine if they are compatible and the coach can further explain their teaching style and how it would benefit your child.

When you’ve found someone you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to ask for references or to speak to current or former students. This can help you determine whether this coach is the right fit for your child.

Observe a Lesson In Person:

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, it’s time to observe one of the coach’s classes in person.

If possible, arrange to observe a class or lesson before signing up your child. This will allow you to see the coach in action and determine if their teaching style aligns with your child’s learning style.

This can help you get a better sense of how the coach interacts with their students and watch them giving young students feedback.

It also gives you an opportunity to see if this is a learning environment that your child will feel comfortable in. You’ll also get a sense of the atmosphere of the class and if it’s a supportive and positive environment.

You should also take this opportunity to ask the coach any questions you may have about their teaching style, techniques, and experience. A good coach should be able to answer all of these questions honestly and professionally.

Keep in mind, due to the nature of coaching, plan in advance to make sure the coach has an appropriate session or class to observe, as not all coaching sessions or classes are open for observation. This is with respect to the other artists who are participating.

Don’t Make Your Decision Solely Based on Price

While price is certainly a factor to consider, don’t make the mistake of choosing an acting coach solely based on cost. Just because a coach is the least expensive, it doesn't mean that they will be the best fit for your child or teen. Remember, your child’s growth and development as an actor may be worth investing in a more experienced coach.

Trust Your Gut

At the end of the day, your instinct is your best guide when it comes to selecting an acting coach. This is a personal choice that ultimately falls on you and your child.

While reviews, recommendations, and observations can be helpful in making this decision, you should also listen to your gut and do what’s best for your child. After

When it comes down to it, you know your child better than anyone else. Trust your instincts when choosing an acting coach and go with someone who you believe will help your child become the best actor they can be.

Finally, Take Your Time:

Choosing an acting coach for your child is an important decision, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following these tips and researching, you can find an acting coach who will support your child’s journey to becoming a successful actor.

Remember, the acting business can be tough, and finding the right coach is about much more than credentials or cost. It’s about finding a coach who truly understands and cares about your child’s unique talents and goals. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at BKA for any questions about the industry—-we are here for you.